Sebastian Society

Sebastian's Story as told by his Mamí
The last few days of Sebastian’s life are still a blur. He went from being fine to needing oxygen. In the last hours of his life, he went from IV sedation and BiPAP to being intubated to dying and undergoing Advanced Cardiac Life Support -from which he did not come back. As I had watched him deteriorate, it was obvious that these sudden acute changes would have resulted in long-term changes, greatly affecting his quality of life.
Sebastian choosing me to be his Mamí has been a great honor and privilege. My worst nightmare came true when he died. He is my greatest mentor, and his life and death are still guiding me.
I will say that my being a physician in no way made me a better mother, if anything, it was being Sebastian’s Mamí that made me a better physician.
Getting involved with Hero’s Path Palliative Care has become a part of Sebastian’s legacy. And my desire to make a difference with all that he has taught me, to make the world a better place for all the Sebastians’ continues to grow. We invite you to support Sebastian's legacy with your donation today!
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